Pharmacists and the drugs they prescribe have a profound impact on the treatment trajectory for cancer patients and individuals suffering from rare blood disorders. To help facilitate the best possible treatment for such patients, the Hematology Oncology Pharmacy Association (HOPA) plays an important role in advocating for these specialized pharmacists as a critical part of the patient care team.
Aware of our digital capabilities and healthcare expertise, HOPA came to Core in need of a revamped website. The organization’s existing site had many persistent issues, including poor search functionality, difficult navigation between the main site and its educational accreditation site (on a different domain), and a confusing content structure that made it difficult for users to find and access important, relevant and timely information.
The new website would serve as the face of the association and facilitate collaboration of hem-onc pharmacists across the country in a way that was simple and enjoyable. Undergoing significant growth as an association in the previous years, HOPA also needed to communicate its new vision — extending the impact of their organization to include patients and caregivers.