In March 2023, the Wellness Council of America (WELCOA), awarded Core Creative a gold level Well Workplace Award, recognizing our commitment to the health and well-being of our employees.
At the heart of our people-centric workplace is our staff-led culture teams. In addition to a dedicated wellness team that actively promotes healthy habits including good nutrition, exercise and mental health among employees, our numerous team-led initiatives promote holistic well-being that helps our whole agency thrive.
From philanthropy (Core Gives) and diversity, equity and inclusion (Core IDEAs) to fostering employee connections in our hybrid workplace (Core Connects), we care about creating opportunities for each other to feel and get engaged — inside and outside of our walls. Thanks to this emphasis on our overall health and happiness, our agency consistently receives awards from organizations like WELCOA and the American Heart Association — as well as honors from Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Top Workplace and the Milwaukee Business Journal Best Places to Work.
According to the WELCOA site, “Well Workplace Award winners share a vision of protecting and enhancing the health and well-being of each and every employee within their organizations as a part of the very fabric of what they do — not something extraneous and peripheral to the core business functions.” We take great pride in once again receiving this recognition, and in all our team does to create a culture of well-being.